E Corporate Legal Disclaimer and Terms of Service
A visitor to the Website (as defined below), current Customer (as defined below) or prospective Customer is subject to this Legal Disclaimer and Terms of Service (“Terms”), as set forth below.
These Terms require the use of arbitration on an individual basis to resolve disputes, rather than jury trials or class actions, and also limit the remedies available to you in the event of a dispute.
You and Us
General information
Welcome to NOTCHLN (PRIVATE) LIMITED Law Firm E Corporate (“E Corporate”, "corporate.lk", "NOTCHLN (PRIVATE) LIMITED" the “Company,” “we,” “us,” and “our”). Formally, we are E Corporate. We provide our services (“Services”) online, including via our website at corporate.lk or any website owned by NOTCHLN (PRIVATE) LIMITED (collectively the “Website”), and other forms of communications such as email. Providing information on the Website also constitutes part of the Services.
We use the term “User” or “you” or “your” or “Visitor” or “Customer” to mean any past, current, or prospective customer of our Services as well as any visitor to the Website. These Terms apply to each Customer. There will be no fees for Customers to use the Services unless stated explicitly in these Terms or in other notices from E Corporate to Customers such as information on the Website.
These Terms govern your access to and use of our Services. By accessing or using the Services (including accessing the Website), you agree to be bound by these Terms as if these Terms were signed by you in ink on a hard-copy agreement. We may also ask you to confirm that you agree to these Terms, including by taking particular actions, such as clicking a button labelled “I Agree” or “Buy Now” or using the Services. Any personally-identifiable information about you or anyone else may be stored on or through the Services (“Personal Data”). So long as you are a Customer, E Corporate hereby grants you permission to use the software (“Software”) included in the Website as part of the Services. Your right to use the Software is revocable by E Corporate, and is not sublicensable. Moreover, the Software must be used solely for personal use by you.
The information provided in the Website or via any other means of transmission from E Corporate is not legal advice, but general information. The content contained on the Website or information contained in any other transmission from E Corporate is subject to these Terms.
E Corporate reserves the right to change or update these Terms at any time. Changes or updates of these Terms will appear on the Website and/or be communicated to Customer and are effective immediately. Use of the Website or receipt of Services after any such changes constitutes your consent to such changes and updates.